
CAF Malaga signs a collaboration agreement with a company specialized in the management of asbestos. The College of Property Administrators of Malaga and Melilla and Amisur, specialized in the comprehensive management of Asbestos, have recently signed a collaboration agreement. Thanks to this agreement, the administrators of collegiate farms can access and contract this type of services through special conditions. Likewise, the Collegiate Corporation extends this collaboration to the general activity of Dascreativa, dedicated to the design of systems and aluminum covers for various purposes such as the covering of wiring on the exterior of the facades, and which is part of the same business layout as Amisur. The agreement was ratified by the president of CAF Málaga, Alejandro Pestaña, and the representative of Amisur and Dascreativa, David Abolacio Alcántara. Thus, the administrators of collegiate farms may proceed to remove this dangerous material in those communities that they govern and in which they are present taking advantage of various exclusive benefits for the group. Members can contract services such as the replacement of downspouts, removal of deposits and asbestos fiber cement under a series of premises such as the presentation of the budget within 24 hours or the execution of the project in 48 hours once the budget has been approved. You can consult them in full at the following link. Regarding Dascreativa's services, members will be entitled to a completely free project study for communities or their own direct channel of communication with professionals.

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